No matter how big or far it is, you ought to believe that you can have it. If you don’t, you won’t. This is a very basic rule in life. You won’t get what you think you don’t have the ability to get. On rare occasions, you may get it. But it is almost guaranteed that with this idea in your head, you are going to easily lose it. If you want to build a company and you don’t see yourself as a company owner or someone who will/has built a company, how would you expect yourself to act accordingly? Actions are not freely occurring in our realm. They are intimately connected to beliefs and ideas. You should believe in what you do and believe in the value of what you do to be able to do what you do. Otherwise, what you do (if you hopefully do anything) will be a very poor product that will hardly meet the standards of yourself and others.
The world of thought is a very intriguing and fascinating one. What you believe can happen only by virtue of your belief. You should take that seriously. And tell me: what will you lose? If you believe that you will be a billionaire in two years, what will you lose? Either you get somewhere, or you don’t. If you don’t get anywhere (which is very unlikely, given normal human conditions), you will appreciate your effort and gain experience in what you tried to do. And you may try again more and more. No one fails if they try enough. Failure is tied to those who do not act. This should be evident because every failure has a reason behind it; there is a reason why this way did not lead you; there is a reason why this method did not work. If you search enough and retry more and more, learning from all the failures, how can you not succeed?
But if you get somewhere, you will either get to something good but not exactly what you aimed for, or you will get nearly what you wanted. In the first case, you should be happy. Your effort paid off; you reached a place you did not expect to be at before that belief you endorsed. You can still work more and get in an even better place. If you don’t, you have tried. Believe me; you will still be happy. In the second case, mission accomplished.
Nothing can defeat a strong faith with a strong will and a wise execution. The first thing to check, and the most affordable yet the most neglectable thing, is the faith part. Do believe in your cause no matter how small or peripheral people may see it. If you do not believe, no one will for that work for you. Everything else is negotiable.