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Facing Life Hardships

Updated: Feb 20, 2024

Life is hard; that’s something most people you meet will assent to. But what many people miss in this life fact is that what can give you meaning in your life is partly this very hardness. For if you don’t have any problems in your life and everything is going smoothly as you wish and expect, your self-image, self-appreciation, and your sense of value will significantly fall to very low levels. You have to put effort to feel good about yourself; that’s a psychological fact.

But how can you put effort when nothing is hard? There must be some kind of struggle that gives your life meaning and makes you act in a specific direction and feel good about it. If you wake up every morning having nothing troubling your mind that you feel the urge to do or solve, you won’t be very satisfied after a couple of mornings. Life is like a challenge; no one says it is easy, but also, no one wants it easy. Life has to be hard to be worth living.

It is true that sometimes the hardships of life will be quite devastating, but this is a part of the game. If you manage to come over them and grow stronger, you won’t regret having them in your life. When you see the hardships in your life, think of them as reasons to act, as a motivation, as your cause, make them move you faster and stronger, and don’t just complain about them, for you may also complain when your life is extremely easy without any obstacle or difficulty whatsoever. This is a crucial part of life. You don’t have to love it, but at least accept it and appreciate it. This should make your life happier and easier, easier in a good sense. For, in this context, easy is hard, and hard is easy.


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